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Architecture of Observation Towers

It seems to be human nature to enjoy a view, getting the higher ground and taking in our surroundings has become a significant aspect of architecture across the world. Observation towers which allow visitors to climb and observe their surroundings, provide a chance to take in the beauty of the land while at the same time adding something unique and impressive to the landscape.

Model Making In Architecture

The importance of model making in architecture could be thought to have reduced in recent years. With the introduction of new and innovative architecture design technology, is there still a place for model making in architecture? Stanton Williams, director at Stirling Prize-winning practice, Gavin Henderson, believes that it’s more important than ever.

Can Skyscrapers Be Sustainable

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Value Engineering Field

It is the selection of what is appropriate from among the many processes and tools of architecture to enhance the value by achieving the concept of total quality management and reaching the lowest possible cost to achieve the main functions and requirements of the project without reducing the desired level of different design criteria.

The Desired Goals of Value Engineering are:

Create new and integrated alternatives to improve design value and achieve project goals and objectives.
Improving project value through innovative measures aimed at improving performance and quality while substantially reducing project costs.
Carrying out a fair and fair evaluation of all ideas and results of the workshops, based on the diverse experiences of the value-study staff and members of the participating parties.
Dropping ideas that only reduce costs or reduce the scope of work and overlook other important design criteria such as functionality, quality, etc., and thus do not contribute to achieving the desired goals of the value engineering methodology. Validate promising ideas, restructure and develop them appropriately to focus on improving the overall value of the design by adopting the concept of job analysis, maintaining the required degree of quality and other important design metrics.

The Method of Work:

Where the value engineering team analyzes the project using the value engineering work plan and the accompanying tools developed through discussions between the work team among themselves with their different orientations, specializations and their view of the project, as well as discussing the design constraints of the project.

By applying the process of functional analysis, which distinguishes value engineering from other means of reducing other costs, the team defines the basic and secondary functions necessary for the project and focuses on the functional elements of the project (basic and secondary required) to recommend alternatives and proposals that meet the requirements, as well as the functional analysis has contributed to the characteristics of the project To identify and define areas of unnecessary costs and then reduce or eliminate them, which in turn leads to improving the value coefficient for the design and then for the project as a whole.

At the end of the evaluation stage, some applicable ideas are adopted from the total ideas, recommendations and alternatives presented, which clearly show that they are able to add and improve the overall value of the project design, and thus access to sufficient data and information about the improvement in performance and potential cost savings for those successful ideas. Which was produced by the value engineering work teams, and then it was possible to compare the net change and development in the value coefficient associated with the approved value engineering ideas.

In the end, the results of the value engineering study show an effective and effective development of value and an improvement in the architectural form of the project, with access to financial savings inherent in these alternatives and value recommendations.
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Ossama Al-Azzouni

GM Chief Architect



Ossama Azzouni

Chief Architect
We worked with Ossama Al-Azzouni Studio for approximately 2 years on the complete overhaul of our house. This included the design of the project, and the execution of the work. Ossama Al-Azzouni provided excellent design ideas but were also indispensable in managing the practical side of the build.

Alaa Adam

Chief Architect
We engaged Paul Trueman of Ossama Al-Azzouni Studio to manage the planning process and to design and manage a full renovation and remodelling of our 1930s house. We really enjoyed working with Paul. We would not hesitate to recommend Paul and Ossama Al-Azzouni.

Viktoria Freeman

Chief Architect
We worked with Ossama Al-Azzouni Studio for approximately 2 years on the complete overhaul of our house. This included the design of the project, and the execution of the work. Ossama Al-Azzouni provided excellent design ideas but were also indispensable in managing the practical side of the build.

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Ossama Al-Azzouni provided excellent design ideas.
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